Partnership, Accountable Tech

As a history teacher, it is important to me that I'm making and sharing educational and historically accurate content, and that I'm using my platform to start meaningful conversations and bring awareness to key issues affecting our society. It can be easy to feel powerless as an individual, especially online, when the majority of social media is now controlled by a select few companies choosing who and what we see and prioritizing profit over public good.

When I was contacted for Accountable Tech's #ReinInBigTech campaign, I was excited to be able to use my own classroom lessons and expertise to share a brief history of monopolies and antitrust in the United States and to tie it into current events. This campaign gave me the chance to demonstrate how history repeats itself - from Standard Oil, US Steel, and railroad monopolies of the Second Industrial Revolution to the Big Tech monopolies Accountable Tech is going up against today. I loved contributing and working with an organization using social media for good, and I love seeing more young people taking a stand and getting involved in politics!